Thursday, July 22, 2010

Donkey on a Parachute? Really?

What in  the world could have happen to people that they together can tie a donkey to a parachute and send him off gliding over the water???

These peole are soooo ill and need psychiatric care! They find humor in others?

really sick and really concerning!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wild horse Dies unnecessarily

This occurred in spite of the fact that the BLM, under intense public criticism, established an open comment period on its plans for wild horses that is not over until August. Instead of waiting to hear what the American public has to say, BLM officials decided to go forward with these cruel and brutal roundups in the blistering heat of summer (several more are scheduled for the coming weeks). This, of course, is funded by your tax dollars.

What You Can Do
Call the White House Comment Line today at (202) 456-1111. The Obama Administration needs to be told—politely!—that the BLM’s actions are underhanded and inappropriate, and that the current roundup and others scheduled this summer must be cancelled immediately.
 Please visit

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sorry for the Interruption!

Sorry for the lapse in blogging. I took a month off to drive cross country. It was very inspiring and motivational. I highly recommend the challenging adventure!

Thanks for your continued support and patience while I was away!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


DO you consider nutrition for your pet.

Do you read labels?

By products
leftover fractions
artificial colorings
artificial chemicals
hormones...they are all in there!

Read the labels and purchase healthy foods to keep your pet healthy and probably keep down the vet bills!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pets in cars!

Please be sure when you take your pets for a ride in a vehicle that they are safe. Though everyone knows how much the old pooch loves to hang his little head out of the window... it can be very unsafe.

Mostly people are sure to keep cats in a carrier, but those little dogs are prone to be the driver! I see it all the time the dogs on the driver's lap helping out ????

Anyway I know it is funny and cute and they hate the carriers but there are many accidents each year and it is really sad when they are unnecessarily harmed.

Once in a while a nice drive in the country with no one around and little chance of a crash...i say go right ahead but through the city or on a owners are really taking a chance. Even small crashes which do not harm people throw the critters through the windows and make their bodies like little projectiles!

There is a reason that there is a seat belt law...ugh and people make sure to buckle up for safety??? so what about our little furry friends?

Check out some very cool transport iseas and products.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fleas? over the counter meds can be fatal!

If your pet has a flea problem please call your vet and discuss an appropriate solution. It is alarming that the products being sold over the counter can be SOLD???!!

Basically these products contain insecticides and can be extremely harmful to your pets even fatal.

My vet has said all brands but especially the more popular ones are confirmed unsafe maybe because they sell more and vets see more cases that are victims of these products but regardless, it is important that pet owners realize that just because something is available on the market that it is safe.

Again back to the vulnerability factor. Imagine how many pets probably suffer and get sick from this treatment that never visit a vets office.

This is definitely preventable please spread the word.