Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sorry for the Interruption!

Sorry for the lapse in blogging. I took a month off to drive cross country. It was very inspiring and motivational. I highly recommend the challenging adventure!

Thanks for your continued support and patience while I was away!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


DO you consider nutrition for your pet.

Do you read labels?

By products
leftover fractions
artificial colorings
artificial chemicals
hormones...they are all in there!

Read the labels and purchase healthy foods to keep your pet healthy and probably keep down the vet bills!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pets in cars!

Please be sure when you take your pets for a ride in a vehicle that they are safe. Though everyone knows how much the old pooch loves to hang his little head out of the window... it can be very unsafe.

Mostly people are sure to keep cats in a carrier, but those little dogs are prone to be the driver! I see it all the time the dogs on the driver's lap helping out ????

Anyway I know it is funny and cute and they hate the carriers but there are many accidents each year and it is really sad when they are unnecessarily harmed.

Once in a while a nice drive in the country with no one around and little chance of a crash...i say go right ahead but through the city or on a owners are really taking a chance. Even small crashes which do not harm people throw the critters through the windows and make their bodies like little projectiles!

There is a reason that there is a seat belt law...ugh and people make sure to buckle up for safety??? so what about our little furry friends?

Check out some very cool transport iseas and products.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fleas? over the counter meds can be fatal!

If your pet has a flea problem please call your vet and discuss an appropriate solution. It is alarming that the products being sold over the counter can be SOLD???!!

Basically these products contain insecticides and can be extremely harmful to your pets even fatal.

My vet has said all brands but especially the more popular ones are confirmed unsafe maybe because they sell more and vets see more cases that are victims of these products but regardless, it is important that pet owners realize that just because something is available on the market that it is safe.

Again back to the vulnerability factor. Imagine how many pets probably suffer and get sick from this treatment that never visit a vets office.

This is definitely preventable please spread the word.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Funny new clothing line

Check out this stuff. haha. This is from the animal rescue site...
a line of clothing to help the critters.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shark Fin must be kidding???

While I was having lunch, the discovery channel was on in the restaurant. Shark week is this week which is usually quite interesting. A gentlemen waiting for his lunch to go began telling me about a time when he was in South Africa and he observed fisherman catching sharks, pulling them up along the side of the boat and then cutting off their fins and throwing back into the water. He said the process was very fast and that the fins are shipped off for high prices.

Needless to say I was mortified! Before sharing this such bizarre information I did the research to see if this could be verified. Please check out this site and there are others. If there is anything anyone can do by all means this should be halted at once. ( In my opinion)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Kittens can carry viruses. If you bring a new kitten in your home and have other cats, be careful. Though a kitten may not exhibit any symptoms they can still be carriers of deadly viruses.

Protect your pets and yourself (cause some viruses can be passed to humans) when you are doing such a great deed. These viruses are highly contagious.

The best thing is to have the kitten tested asap.

Just as a positive note, there are some people who house and care for these animals which test positive for feline leukemia or aids.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Walks???

One thing I have noticed that is troublesome is people walking their dogs in the heat. OK I know it is summertime and dogs want and need to get outdoors and get some exercise. The problem here is that some people are not considering their dogs perspective.

Let me give you an example. I was biking the NCR trail. It was almost midday. I noticed a man and woman with three dogs. They were chow know big thick coats. No big deal right?
Great couple of dog owners on the trail with their dogs. How nice...

Until I was coming back from biking 10 miles North or so and there they all were again still walking...these dogs were panting so hard, their tongues and heads almost to the ground.

Now it was past noon, very hot, and they had been walking for over an hour at least and pretty far from where they began.

The woman was talking up a storm and not really seeming to pay much attention to the dogs at all. So as I biked past very concerned, I simply smiled and stated "WOW they look really hot and tired."

The woman looked surprised! The one dog appeared to be trying to stop and the other was moving slowly. It was disturbing. So the woman sweating badly in her thin tank top and shorts, with short hair, did stop and address the dogs. Hopefully she got the message.

Other examples are the joggers, joggers with baby carriages, long distance walkers, etc. I live in a place where many people walk jog and bike by and I have seen it all...the dogs have no way to stop, rest, get water, take a break in any way if needed...

If you are going to walk your dogs in the heat just consider all factors from the dogs perspective please.

Early day, late day, rainy day, in the shade, shorter walks, more often, to a park where they can lay in the shade if desired, bring water, ..just don't drag them along for YOUR might not be best for the dog.

Humans are supposed to be more intelligent!?

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Please spay or neuter your pet!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sometimes animals will be animals!

Many pet owners worry when their pets drink from a lake or public water. Naturally if owners can distract or prevent them from doing so they should be don't get yourself crazy. Sometimes animals will just be animals and usually they are ok. Check in and ask your vet what he thinks is a good idea.

Carrying treats, your pets own fold up water bowl and other interesting fun things will help with the distracting and luring them to you instead.
Happy hiking and swimming with Fido!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tied to a chair...

My daughter and I witnessed a very odd thing yesterday. As we were walking through a busy city street where there are lots of restaurants and stores, we heard this very loud clanking noise.

It sounded like the bottom of someone's vehicle had fallen out and was dragging a lot of heavy pieces of metal. Everyone on our side of the street was looking around. There was a lot of traffic and now cars were slowing down too.

Suddenly the noise was directly across the street and getting louder so as I turned I saw a dog running down the street dragging two chairs closely behind him. He looked completely terrified.

As I began to cross to help, a quick acting couple who was walking in the direction of the dog grabbed him as his owner quickly approached from the other direction.

It was quite unusual and scary. The dog was about to dart into the street. He was clearly running for his life or so he thought.

Apparently the guy had tied the small - medium sized dog to a chair out front and gone in to pick up his carry out order. The dog moved somehow causing the chair to startle him. The dog got tied up to both chairs as he tried to get away from the chairs. He was strong enough to proceed down the street with both chairs. Who would have thought?

This could have been fatal and definitely was an awful experience for the dog.

So...if you must tie your dog up to wait a moment for you please use a secured structure...oops..poor guy too!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Getting a kitten?

Please be sure if you want to get a kitten that you understand and are prepared to have lots of time to be with the kitten. If not be sure you can make proper arrangements for the kitten not to be alone for much time until you have kitten proofed your home or again can make reasonable plans for care and safety.
Kittens need a lot of attention and care to be healthy and safe.
They are wild and a little crazy exploring and being adventurous in a new home. They also will miss their momma much at first. They are nocturnal critters and eat, drink, pee, and poop more often when really young and have fast metabolisms.
They can get caught up in wires, fall into spaces, and stuck in holes you never thought they would fit.
Remember the old saying came from someplace..."Curiosity killed the cat!"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

4 Million

There are approximately 4 million dogs in shelters in our country alone. How sad that they do not have someone who loves them. Give your pet a little extra love today. Your pet appreciates your kindness and your loving home unconditionally.

Friday, July 17, 2009

If you are getting a new dog...consider medication management

As always be sure to check out shelters if you are getting a new dog, but another fact regarding financial aspects is to consider costs if unfortunately your dog becomes ill and requires medication. A smaller dog will be far less expensive in regard to medication given by weight. This does not refer to vaccines, they cost the same regardless. But if your dog requires a lifetime of medication this can really add up and you would not be in a position to not be able to afford meds...ugh the other options are just very sad. Just consider it !
Woof woof! (that is thank you in dog language)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dog Training

Training your dog can definitely result in a happier healthier life for you and your pet. Dogs love the attention and their self esteem is improved when they get the positive rewards from being well behaved.

It is important to know what you are doing though because all dogs have their own personalities. Different breeds have unique genetics and each dog , like people have learned behaviors which play a role in their abilities and character.

There are lots of good videos and reputable sources online.

Check Out Secrets to Dog Training - No. 1 Dog Training And Behavior Website For Over 4 Years -

Bears Need Help TOO!

Mostly I am advocating for domestic animals predominantly dogs and cats but when I come across other important issues I must share them with you .

I almost cannot even read about these horrible things that are happening.

Please Read the article linked below.

It is so incredibly sad to think that people can hurt animals. I just cannot understand it ever. Nature can be cruel enough at times, but for intelligent (I use that loosely) humans to cause pain and suffering for purposes of financial gain or game? pleasure? I do not get it? Such cruelty ? Only truly, very, very ill people could do these things.

Anyway, please check out this site and if you can support this cause in anyway please do!

World Society for the Protection of Animals!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moving out without the pet/s

If you see people moving and especially if you know someone who is financially challenged, addicted, or having serious issues in life and they are moving, please make it a point to be sure no pets are left behind in their home. Many pets are left abandoned by individuals struggling in their own lives. Not only are they abandoned but if locked in a house or apartment they cannot seek for help or food and water. Often the people who leave behind pets assume that someone will find them and care for them soon but that is not always the please keep this thought in mind!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Finding a new home for your pet

Sometimes things happen and people must find new homes for their pets. It seems to me that there must be a very severe situation in order to do this but if this is the case then please be sure to consider your pet.
There are several safe and reliable ways to seek a new home. Just remember there are still places that will conduct research which is very cruel to dogs and cats. (and many other animals)
Please be sure to screen the interested parties. Be sure you utilize good friends, animal friendly organizations, and vet's offices for assistance. They work in the best interest of animals.
Please be sure if you must take your pet to shelter that he or she will not be euthanized.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pet sitting and your pet's emotional well being

When pet sitting is in the plan especially for an extended period of time it is recommended that the pet is familiar with where he or she will be staying. It is also in the pet's best interest to do several trial visits and include an over night stay or two if possible. This will help you pet be confident that he will see you again and that it is ok when you leave. They will be calm and happy knowing you will return.
when your pet is properly prepared the stay will be more pleasant for everyone. Emotional problems lead to behavioral or health problems so think about Fido's or Fifi's emotions !

Friday, July 10, 2009

Photos of dog fighting

Though I know many people are moved to action by photos. I will NOT post photos of dog fights, fighting, injured animals, etc. to that extreme in nature. They are horrific and traumatizing to some individuals. Sorry! Not much can be worse than a compassionate person's own imagination. Truly empathy is in the heart and does not need additional stimulation. Also people do not need to become desensitized further by so much and many violent impressions on the brain.

Michael Vick

Michael Vick is an excellent football player. Yes. He also unfortunately lacks empathy. This is a scary condition. The question is does he deserve to play in the NFL. Well ...lets consider a few things.
  1. Do people consider animals as valuable or deserving of safety and life as humans?
  2. Do people consider dog fighting cruelty to animals, murder of animals (because many do die)?
  3. Do people think individuals with mental health issues such as psychosis, depression, schizophrenia, delusional disorder, bipolar, explosive disorder, sexual disorders, ...should I continue? The list is very long.
  4. Do people think of psychological health and physical health as equally significant to being an NFL player?
  5. Do people think dog fighting is a crime...a serious crime?
Depending on a person's opinion about these questions, that is how they will answer the question. I wonder how much knowledge and education about the question each person who answers will have?

Many people are inflicted with psychological illness, disorders, or issues. Unfortunately most do not commit crimes due to their illness.
He deserves to get help for his lack of empathy and at least learn right from wrong even if he cannot learn to feel and think and make humane decisions for himself.

Answers:#1 - If he is ill or so unhealthy that he can lack empathy: He needs treatment
#2 - If people want to believe he is just bad(?) or made a bad decision:
Whether people can understand that he is ill or not; He was irresponsible and deserves to lose his privilege just like the rest of us would if we committed a crime.

I feel this crime is bottom of the barrel with child abuse, rape, elder abuse or any other act of causing detriment to any other vulnerable being!

The most logical answer is both answers!

There are so many healthy athletes who would be honored and appropriate for his position. He had his opportunity and whether due to illness or poor choice, he needs to understand the consequences for such serious matters ( in my personal and professional opinion).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A movement in Baltimore

There was a brief piece on the news yesterday about a movement being started in Baltimore for the prevention of cruelty to animals. They were outraged as were many about the individuals who burned the dog in the streets while onlookers laughed. It is clear these are all very ill individuals. If you have not seen the photos and the news report please take a look because it is very scary and motivating. There was a female attorney and several supporters about to launch this movement. I will be looking into it and providing more information.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Animals are often healthy when euthanized

It is so sad that animals are often healthy when euthanized. ( Animals give so much to so many people. They add such joy and have such unconditional love. Please consider all the healthy animals that are killed everyday due to overpopulation. We can put men on the moon. Why can we not prevent overpopulation of animals ? Is it such a dilemma that humans cannot figure out? Is it negligence as a human race? Are there too few who really care?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How many are destroyed?

The following article is from AC- Associated Content. It gives us an idea of how many animals are euthanized. It is very disturbing.

April 27, 2006

Why it is so Important to Consider Adopting Your Next Pet from a Shelter

It is widely accepted that 9.6 million animals are euthanized annually in the United States.

Accurate record keeping is impossible at this time, due to the sheer number of animals handled and emergency shelters opening and closing daily. However, based on the only known statistics that the American Humane Society has recognized to date, the 1997

National Counsel On Pet Population And Study, of the 1,000 shelters that replied to the National Council's survey, 4.3 million animals were handled. In 1997 roughly 64% of the total number of animals that entered shelters were euthanized - approximately 2.7 million animals in just these 1,000 shelters. These animals may have been put down due to overcrowding, but may have been sick, aggressive, injured, or suffered something else. A staggering 56% of dogs and 71% of cats that enter animal shelters are euthanized. More cats are euthanized than dogs because they are more likely to enter a shelter without any owner identification. Only 15% of dogs and 2% of cats that enter animal shelters are reunited with their owners. Only 25% of dogs and 24% of cats that enter animal shelters are adopted.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pause (PAWS) and take the pledge!

Take a minute and visit the ASPCA website so you add your name to the list in order to support prevention of animal cruelty. Take the pledge . The site has lots of information about all the different ways that cruelty continues. It is good to be aware and learn about ways to prevent cruelty.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pets and the 4th of July

Just a quick note on this Independence Day to remember pets are not really celebrating as humans are. They definitely are not as excited or impressed with the fireworks or other unexpected ear piercing noises that sound like someone is trying to shoot at them or kill them. Pets get confused, frightened, irritated, and possibly terrified about what is going on around them.

Responsible pet owners please remember to take any precautions possible so that your pets cannot get in harms way. Inside if possible is better than outside. If home with your pet be calm and comforting. Do you like to be stressed and scared? It is not funny to see animals distressed and scared. We know they are safe but they do not. If animals are outside or have access to the outside, they often will run frantically and can easily be injured when startled by the noises. Remember they are and will react as if they are in a combat zone. Imagine if we didn't know what was happening?

Please lets prevent injury, distress, and harm any way we can! Have a happy and safe 4th!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Just a heads up to parents and caretakers of children that if a child does not develop empathy, they are usually able to harm animals without any remorse. These children often do not have the ability to develop a conscience.
Empathy is both genetic and learned. It is a gradual and slow process and is different for each individual. By around the age of four a child should be demonstrating signs of empathy for other living things. Please read more about normal development especially if you have reasons for concern. click here
They can learn what to do or not do to prevent getting in trouble but they do have intrinsic empathy. There are several problems here. One is that these children will learn to avoid getting into trouble by doing things secretively so they do not get caught but they will continue to do things to hurt animals unknowing to the parents.
Another serious concern is that this type of behavior as a result of the lack of proper development can indicate other possible mental illness, such as psychosis. Please be aware and address this problem if your child or any child is injuring animals or seems to not have compassion, a conscience, or empathy toward animals.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A new dog place in town

As much as think it is important to talk about the topics that most people do not want to know about much less think about or discuss.
I also think it is equally important to mention good events, products, and places for pets and animals. I am hopeful one day this blog is only about positive animal facts and stories!

There is a new place here in Locust Point Baltimore MD. It is a day care and spa for pets so please if in the area support a wonderful options for pets when owners are in need of good quality care in their absence and for other products and services.

443-539-7626 (sobo...for those unknowing that stands for South Baltimore)

Pets in cages

I sometimes cannot bare to think about all the animals in cages. There are so many stuck in little cooped up spaces just waiting for someone to touch them,
talk to them, take them out of the cages. Some probably do not consider this

suffering or cruelty because they are safe. Well I just would like to say I wonder
how anyone would like to be placed in a cage to live endlessly... never knowing
when or if it will end. I wonder if anyone who thinks this is can think for a
minute while walking around freely what it might be like to be caged.

How long must the days, hours, minutes be ? And so many
finally get out but not for a walk or for freedom but only to be euthanized. Nice thought! Please spay and neuter and ask others to do so as well.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Spaying and Neutering

OK this one is a no brainer. Can everyone just get your pets spayed or neutered. I almost want to stop right there. Why is this not a law? There are so many laws to keep people and animals safe. So many laws to protect the innocent and vulnerable. HELLO...there are thousands of animals suffering because of over population. We are intelligent human being and we cannot solve this problem? of course there are plenty of other ideas for controlling animal population, but it certainly can start with all pet owners being mandated to spay and neuter their pets unless of course there is some ligitimate reason not to and then they can go through whatever they must leagally to be exempt. Please pet owners unless you have a very good reason please spay or neuter your pet and convince others to do so as well because that will probably prevent at least some animal pregnancies. Many pet owners do not even realize when their fertile cat or dogs strays away for an hour or so are planting their seeds somewhere. Please if you are a responsible person then be responsible and prevent this from happening. Your pets grandbabies are possibly being euthanized.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sad and Scary

It is so sad and very scary that human beings are able to intentional harm animals. Recently there was an incident in Baltimore City that was very disturbing. Apparently two boys set a dog on fire. The dog was eventually put to sleep due to complications, but not without quite a bit of suffering. These individuals have been caught, but the idea of their capabilities is so scary. I want to plead with people to understand how unhealthy a person's mind is to be able to harm animals. This type of behavior is a fundamental indication of mental illness. So please if you know someone who demonstrates an ability to hurt an animal tell someone and do something to prevent this person from continuing this behavior. This is not a stage or a one time behavior. Prevent unnecessary cruelty to vulnerable victims. The next victim could be an animal or a person you love.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

About Breeding?

I really wonder why the laws about breeding are not more stringent when euthanasia is the only option for so many animals daily? Just a thought. I know there are many other factors that could help with the problem of overpopulation of animals, but clearly the earth does not need people just breeding to make a buck. I absolutely support breeding to be sure that responsible breeders can be sure those breeds persist and remain in existence. Lets think about what we can do.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Animals have always influenced my life. Their unconditional love has always inspired me to learn to love as they do. My first dog was named Doobie. Ha ha I know. Anyway, Doobie's story is not a kind one. His life was great, but the end of his life was horrible. In fact it was an unnecessary nightmare. I can't imagine the suffering he experienced. And still 26 years later I cannot think of it without generating nausea and tears. I will write more details at another time and in honor of him write about him from time to time in hopes that other animals will not suffer as he did. Basically he was taken into custody by animal control due to a freak isolated escape (wandering away). He was more or less tortured (unintentionally I suppose) at the Baltimore City Animal Shelter for 31 days until I discovered him. Oh I went there every other day and called daily. They had a photo of him hanging on their board. Yet he was in some quarantine section that they neglected to tell me about until my 16th visit. I was taken back to this section I was never shown to look through and there he was. It was over 100 degrees (and had been for several days) and he had lost about 25 lbs weighing around 30lbs (Typically he was 55-60). He was infested with tics and barely able to life his head. There was no water, no covering for these animals, and he hadn't eaten the entire time he was there (I fond out later). My mother could not recognize him though as he attempted to lift his wobbly head I knew it was him. He still had on the choker collar I had described and though he was about half his size and dirty he had four white paws. (couldn't be anymore distinct).
I became quite hysterical and screamed for an assitant to get him out of there and they ushered me inside. They came in a moment later and informed me he had died from a heart attack. Of course they also stated they would take care of the body. Yeah right...I said " Oh no you will not"
"You bring my gog to me immediately" And so I drove immediately to an animal hospital to have and autopsy performed. There are more details but the bottom line is it got ugly and I become devoted to help people who lose their animals as well as advocate for the vulnerable.
He was a fantastic dog and great friend. He greeted each of my four children with more love than most humans on the day they arrived home. My best friend and my mom were with me that day. We shed so many tears on that drive home, we hardly could speak, but were very happy to have him back. Though I had to go home and tell my children we would never be with him alive again due to the negligence of this system. Oh there was a lot of publicity and the shelter over there on the west side was closed down permanently. Thanks to all who helped me. We can change things if we work very hard to do so. So finally after all these years I love being able to pause and save a few paws if I can!